Woodland-Star in Thaynes Canyon

Woodland-Star in Thaynes Canyon

Small-flowered woodland-star (Lithophragma parviflorum) is one of the two relatively common Wasatch species of Lithophragma, a Saxifrage family genus with a Greek name which means, strangely enough, exactly the same what Saxifraga is in Latin: a stone-breaker. L. parviflorum has white, typically three-lobed petals; the petals of the other woodland-star, a beautiful L. glabrum, tend to be light pink and cut into 5 slender lobes. Desolation Trail area, with the silhouette of Thaynes Peak on the skyline. 6/3/2008
GeoPooch Sobachka
on Aug 11, 2008 3:49 pm
Image Type(s): Flora
Image ID: 430610


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