A simple route sign to the Rofenkarferner

A simple route sign to the Rofenkarferner

This inconspicuous sign stands by the side of a big clear trail, just a few minutes NNE of the Breslauer Hütte, and points to a much smaller one, leading to the Rofenkarferner as well as to the start of the SW route to the Ötztaler Urkund. From here to the NE, the main trail descends a bit, gently first but it gets steeper soon after, whereas this one goes N and up. The turnoff is easy to miss - I should know, because even though I knew about the small trail, I still missed it myself once. 10 July 2012.
on May 14, 2013 2:04 pm
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 849568


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