Abercrombie Mountain Climber's Log

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cascadeclimber1978 - Nov 26, 2004 2:26 pm

Route Climbed: Trail #117 Date Climbed: August 18, 2004  Sucess!

I live north of Spokane and just wanted to do a day hike. Great views of the surrounding area from the top.

Martin Cash

Martin Cash - Oct 8, 2004 8:52 pm

Route Climbed: Trail #117 Date Climbed: 10/3/04  Sucess!

1 hour 55 minutes car to car with Mishell. More of a molehill than a mountain. I bet I could trailrun it in 55 minutes roundtrip by myself. Nice views of the Valhallas and Kokanee Glacier from the top.


theplugger - Jan 10, 2004 10:27 pm

Route Climbed: Trail #117 Date Climbed: September 22, 2002  Sucess!

Ah yes, a nice climb, though chilly on the summit. The best part was the company we had on this trip, Bob and Dotty Martin (hiking icons in their own right) and our good friends, Bob and Rhonda Bolton.

Bob Bolton

Bob Bolton - Dec 19, 2003 1:07 am

Route Climbed: Trail #117 Date Climbed: September 22, 2002  Sucess!

My wife joined me for this hike that we did with Bob and Dotty Martin, along with theplugger and her husband Jay. It was a cool and breezy day, and felt almost wintery on the summit. Great views, and great fun spending the second consecutive day hiking with a legend in his own time.


Dean - Dec 18, 2003 4:17 pm

Route Climbed: Trail #117 Date Climbed: July 25, 2003  Sucess!

On a day when the temperatures were hitting well over 100 in the Colville area, I decided to try and cool off by going after this peak. I had already spent the morning on Copper Butte in Ferry county so it was well after lunch before I hit the road towards Abercrombie.

Unfortunately, it didn't cool off very much even higher up but the breeze at the summit was great. It is a great hike to the summit and the views are expansive in all directions. The Kettle range is visible to the west, Canada to the north and Gypsy Peak to the east.

I was hurrying down from the summit when I hit a spot on the trail where my boot print was covered over by a huge track. On close examination, I realized it was a grizzly and not a black bear that had been very recently in this area. The tracks continued on across the trail and up the hill towards the summit area and the time elapsed from going up to the summit from this spot on the trail and coming back down was about an hour and ten minutes. Why didn't I pull out my camera and take a picture? It was in my day pack but I must admit to being spooked and since it was after 5:30 p.m. I was in a hurry to get back to my car. I must tell you that this gave me a good adrenaline rush and made the hair on my neck stand up. It wasn't ten minutes later that I met a solitary hiker heading up the trail with the intent of going to the summit. He was carrying one those huge tri-pods for a sunset effort he planned to make. Strapped to his hip was a large magnum revolver which he looked very comfortable carrying. When I asked him about the heat he was packing he just looked at me and said " Hey man, don't you know, this is grizzly country" Suspicions confirmed by a photographer named "Clinton" who wasn't swayed by my grizzly track story. Maybe he got some good pics of a large bruin from the summit of Abercrombie Mtn.

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