Becca di Nona (3142m)  Climbing on NORTH FACE First Replay of 1966 Route

Becca di Nona (3142m) Climbing on NORTH FACE First Replay of 1966 Route

Route "G" Becca di Nona (3142m) FIRST REPLAY of 1966 Route (Garzotto I. A.-Cardellina D. F. S.-Ferronato W.) Osvaldo Cardellina from the great horizontal ledge on the small wall at beggining of Little Gully to Left. Aug 13th, 1967 Action'sPhoto by Ilario Antonio GARZOTTO
Antonio Giani
on May 27, 2011 10:34 am
on May 27, 2011 10:34 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 718510


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