Blodgett Peak Climber's Log

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Brad76 - Apr 21, 2008 7:00 pm Date Climbed: Apr 20, 2008

Bluebird Day on Blodgett  Sucess!

The wife and I headed up to Blodgett Peak on a beautiful April day. The trail was snow free even though there were plenty of snow drifts still lingering in the valley. The views on top are the best from any Colorado Springs peak that we have seen to date.


shknbke - Mar 17, 2008 12:50 pm Date Climbed: Mar 14, 2008

From open space  Sucess!

First calendar winter ascent and 7th overall. Took advantage of the time change and did it after work. Topped out at 7:15pm with hokiejim and enjoyed the city lights for a few minutes before heading down the bobsled run. Went down the trail in the drainage instead of zigging across the face on the way down. Still took a couple wrong turns on the way up. 2nd most climbed peak in CO for me next to Pikes. Never gets old.


ElliottDavis - Feb 1, 2008 3:28 pm Date Climbed: Jan 26, 2008

From Open Space  Sucess!

Rather windy on the fire road but nicely sheltered from there to the summit ridge. No need for snowshoes. YakTrax/cleats/light crampons would be handy; trekking poles invaluable for balance on the mixture of packed snow, ice and loose gravel.

A very fine outing indeed. =)


Sheldon - Jan 2, 2008 11:07 pm Date Climbed: Jan 2, 2008

awesome  Sucess!

awesome tough climb. Never gets old.


Sheldon - Dec 7, 2007 11:42 pm Date Climbed: Dec 7, 2007

Cold, cloudy  Sucess!

so the weather was really bad, the first day of our weekend snowstorm. The begining was really foggy but as i made my way up, i was above the fog. The last part with all the scree and boulders was really scary, one wrong step and i was sending huge boulders down the hill and i was afraid to start a landslide or break an ankle or something. Once i reached the summit i was looking over where the springs would be but were covered by the clouds. One wierd thing i noticed was that it was much warmer above the clouds than it was when i was down in the valley section.


HokieJim - Nov 27, 2007 12:38 pm

Baker Direct  Sucess!

Summitted via the vb1 "Baker Direct" route through the boulder field. Made a quick tag of the summit and ran back down to get away from a lightning storm.


RckyMtneer - Aug 12, 2007 7:49 pm Date Climbed: Dec 11, 2005

Several times...  Sucess!

Summer, winter, always a nice view!


ledavis23 - Jun 30, 2007 5:56 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2006

fun hike  Sucess!

Matt, you rock.

Sarah Simon

Sarah Simon - May 28, 2007 5:52 pm Date Climbed: May 28, 2007

Route Climbed: Open Space Route  Sucess!

Yeah, to say there are loose rock conditions on this trail is an understatement. I spent what seemed like forever plodding up ramps coated in Pikes Peak granite. For those unfamiliar with hiking PP Granite, angle a piece of plywood at 25 degrees and coat the plywood with pea gravel...then attempt to walk up it. In some places the granite "marbles" are so thick you can plunge-step your down hike. Still, lovely day, fantastic views of Pikes and Almagre, in particular. Summit was all to myself with my dog Stimpy, except for the dang gnats, so I down-hiked pretty quickly...down the wrong side of the ridge and had to back-track up the ridge to re-gain the trail. I'm sure I'm not the first to end up on the Air Force Academy side of that saddle ridge by mistake.


snowhiker - Mar 7, 2007 10:11 pm

Blodgett Peak  Sucess!

I have hiked Blodgett Peak 7 times now i keep talking my friends and other people to go up with me the last time was in Feb. it's allways a good hike.


cftbq - Feb 17, 2007 7:46 pm Date Climbed: Feb 17, 2007

Got there somehow from BPOS TH  Sucess!

After giving up in fall 2005, I knew I would have to do some route finding. So I persevered. I left the TH at 6:40 am and broker fresh snow all the way to the summit, which I reached at 9:25. Windy on the summit; only spend 5 minutes there. I followed my own tracks halfway down, then those of a climber wearing YakTrax whom I met on his way up. Back to the TH at 11:27. Neat summit; feels good.


ElliottDavis - Jan 3, 2007 9:05 pm

views  Sucess!

Views... wow. Not much to add that hasn't been said before. A fine outing.


knowlesjustin - Nov 14, 2006 2:50 am Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2002

Watch the descent

When descending from the Open Space, be careful about taking shortcuts down clear but unnamed paths that end up in folks' backyards. Otherwise, you might receive a most unwelcome greeting.


pittbrownie - May 20, 2006 2:40 am Date Climbed: May 19, 2006

Blodgett Peak via BP Open Space  Sucess!

Little tougher a hike than I was anticipating, still a good time. Took a little under two hours to get to the top. Some birds kept diving at me on the peak, wizzing by within two or three feet of my head and circling around to do it again, they chased me off the top pretty quick. There are some red/orange ribbons to help navigate, not quite enough of 'em to rely on though.


BeginnerClimber - Apr 2, 2006 7:24 pm Date Climbed: Apr 2, 2006

Ummm, yeah...  Sucess!

Got a good start at 9AM (yeah, I didn't turn my clocks ahead until this morning), but I've never been on a mountain with so many little trails going here and there! Followed a map about the size of a dollar bill for a good while, but then I found myself in boulder field. Took me on the other side of the summit, so I knew I was off-trail, but the GPS kept pointing me in the right direction. Gotta love the 40mph winds that kept wanting to turn me into a kite. Made the summit and took the right way down. Jeez, could have saved myself a good 45-60 minutes by taking the nice trail already laid out for me, but which I missed heading up.

I don't know if I'd call it a "great workout hike" as the description goes. It's too steep to go very fast. I'd say it's more an exercise in trail finding. I'd have to do it 2 or 3 more times to get comfortable. Reminded me a bit of Cameron Cone.

Speaking of Cameron Cone, that's where I learned to "scree" down the scree field (also like on Mount Bross coming down -- CRAZY!), so Blodgett was pretty much the same. A bit like the Incline connector trail to Barr Trail, but for 100x longer.


vbc285 - Dec 3, 2005 4:17 pm

Route Climbed: Open Space Date Climbed: March, 1999  Sucess!

Started in the open space park and climbed up through a boulder field and a crack to the summit.

Mike Mc

Mike Mc - Aug 28, 2005 11:21 pm

Route Climbed: USAFA North Ridge Date Climbed: July 2003  Sucess!

Look for the plane wreck.

Foxy Long Bottoms

Foxy Long Bottoms - Jun 21, 2005 1:18 pm

Route Climbed: Open Space Date Climbed: 7/01  Sucess!


bklowe - Jun 14, 2005 2:52 pm

Route Climbed: BPOS Parking Lot Date Climbed: June 14, 2005  Sucess!

Decided to go for this one while training for the Pikes Peak Ascent. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful trail. Got brutal as I entered the steep scree and the boulder field. Frequently got off the hard to find trail. The summit view was worth it, though. Had my GPS so the return trip was easy to follow, although I slipped on the scree a couple times and sprained my forearm. Did the roundtrip in 2 hrs. 43 minutes. Next time, I'll take my time and enjoy it more!


csmcgranahan - Mar 19, 2005 11:21 pm

Route Climbed: Blodgett Peak Open Space Date Climbed: March 19, 2005  Sucess!

Encountered quite a bit of snow above 8500 feet. I would recommend summiting via the boulderfield for the next week or so, especially if it snows again, since the trail up to the saddle is almost unpassable going up when snow is present due to steepness. I went up the boulders and came down the trail.

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