Bottleneck Direct, 5.10a

Bottleneck Direct, 5.10a

2nd Pitch- 35m- 5.6/ Up and to the left is a detached pillar. Between the pillar and wall at the top is the next belay which is the same as the top of the 3rd pitch of Chockstone Corner as well as where the original line of Bottleneck intersects. Down climb a bit, traverse into the right side of the pillar and climb it to a fixed piton belay. Bottleneck Direct, 5.10a, 7 Pitches, Bottleneck Wall, Yamnuska, Canmore, Alberta, July, 2009
Dow Williams
on Oct 18, 2009 4:14 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 564931


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