Chockstone Corner Direct, 5.10a

Chockstone Corner Direct, 5.10a

1st Pitch- 55m- 5.10a/ I observed somewhere on the net where someone thought this pitch was hard for 5.10. I thought the exact opposite. A great crack takes you through the overhanging crux about half way up. After that, you move up easy ground (cracks on the right wall) to a bolt that takes you left across a slab. You have to continue above the slab up into the corner above to build a gear belay in the start of the original route’s second pitch, but well above the first pitch belay which comes in from the left. Chockstone Corner Direct, 5.10a, 9 Pitches, Bottleneck Wall, Yamnuska, Canmore, Alberta, July, 2009
Dow Williams
on Jul 27, 2009 5:27 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 534119


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