Cinnamon Hedgegog, 5.10a

Cinnamon Hedgegog, 5.10a

2nd half of the first pitch 1st Pitch- 200’- 5.9/ The first 70’ of the first pitch could be spiciest lead of the day. You must navigate suspect white sandstone on a slightly rightward traverse pass two bolts until you can reached the heavily varnished crack above. Once in the crack, place gear at will for the remainder of the pitch to a fixed belay (2011). Cinnamon Hedgehog, 5.10a, 6 Pitches+, Cactus Flower Tower, Red Rock, NV, October, 2011
Dow Williams
on Oct 24, 2011 11:16 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 755850


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