Climbers on Torre Quarta Bassa

Climbers on Torre Quarta Bassa

Torre Quarta is in fact not a single tower, but a complex of several. Torre Quarta Bassa takes center stage here. It's leaning on Torre Quarta Alta. If you look closely, you can see climbers on Bassa near the point where the two touch. Now look a higher and on the left, and you'll see a climber on Alta: that's because the normal route on Torre Quarta starts on Bassa, then crosses the gap and continues on Alta! It's a fun route, and at UIAA grade IV- it's actually quite easy. See here for a closer view of the gap. 24 July 2016.
on Jan 6, 2017 10:18 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 991337


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