Devil Peak Additions and Corrections

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MissRealtorWood - May 6, 2014 8:22 pm - Hasn't voted

approach to trailhead update

Since this post was written some time ago, a few changes have taken place that should be mentioned. All is as usual and, if you set the odometer exactly as you enter the tunnel passing back under the highway after you've exited at Jean, you'll be traveling another
*4.1 miles to the end of the drivable road.
*you will be confronted by a fork immediately after the tunnel. The left fork becomes a sort of frontage road to the highway. Ignore it and drive TOWARD the mountains.
*you will take a left fork further up.

There were several other little offshoot roads but we aimed straight for the mountain and that stood us in good stead. The road becomes Monster-Truck worthy after 4.1 miles and so we pulled over.

The wind was blowing up a storm and nearly knocked me over more than once. We aborted the hike because we had a plane to catch. In retrospect, the wind was a lifesaver because we had a flat tire on the way back and were able to take care of that without stressing over time because we ended the hike so early.

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