Eagle, III, WI 5

Eagle, III, WI 5

  • The Eagle, III, WI 5/ 40m
  • (climbers right) By far the best and most challenging route in Valley of the Birds. It is aptly named as it is shaped like an eagle. It was in fair-good shape in March, slightly wet and chandelierly in places. At the dead end of the narrow canyon, take the right fork and gain several ice steps. The Eagle comes into view all at once on the right side. Start up the base cone (which represents the tail feathers) and stay center until you get to the center of the wings. Move left onto a small ledge/ice cave and continue up more solid ice on the left side to a tree rappel. Sustained and steep. Valley of the Birds, North Ghost, Canadian Rockies, March, 2007
    Dow Williams
    on Mar 21, 2007 2:01 am
    Image Type(s): Ice Climbing
    Image ID: 279945


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