Elizabeth Blue Moss, 5.9

Elizabeth Blue Moss, 5.9

  • Elizabeth Blue Moss - 55’- 5.9/
  • Todd is right when he says "don't let clients name a route", so why did he here? She must have had some special influence. Actually not a bad climb for being on the left side where the rock is usually not so special. Again, like several of his routes on Prophesy, starts out easy, looks easy and just when you are wondering where the 5.9 comes from, you run out of any hands and have a knee in the chest balancing mantel to pull off before you can reach the chains. This is a short route by Prophesy Wall standards. 5 bolts to chains. May, 2007, Prophesy Wall
    Dow Williams
    on May 7, 2007 6:15 pm
    Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
    Image ID: 291454


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