Gfallwand (3175m)

Gfallwand (3175m)

View from the Lazinser Rötelspitze SE ridge, not far above the Halsljoch. This bulky group makes up the southeast corner of the Texel Group. Gfallwand is the highest, and it's the one on the right, with the flat top. Even though Gfallwand can easily be climbed, the Zielspitze (3009m), the small pointy one on the left, is more popular; my map shows several trails there. Mind you, my map still shows trails when a route requires scrambling to UIAA grade I, and that's what my guidebook says about these routes. But it says the same about Gfallwand. The one on the middle is the Lahnbachspitze (3081m). 15 July 2013.
on Oct 29, 2013 1:39 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing,  Hiking,  Scenery
Image ID: 873916


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