Girls Lie, 5.11

Girls Lie, 5.11

7th Pitch- 30m- 5.11/ Make a weird traverse left, down climbing the water worn rock before you reach the steep left wall. Make an easy move up to clip the first bolt (about even with your belayer) and then make the crux move of the climb to reach the 2nd bolt. This is face climbing on solid, but not highly textured rock. Make several difficult and physical moves to overcome the ground immediately above this 2nd bolt, then the pitch eases as it runs out past a third and up to a forth bolt up in a closed corner. After clipping this bolt, make a delicate mantle out left and up to a ledge with a single bolt to assist with the belay. Girls Lie, 5.11, 14 Pitches, EEOR (East End of Mount Rundle), Canadian Rockies, September, 2009
Dow Williams
on Sep 14, 2009 12:03 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 553262


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