Griffith Pugh

Griffith Pugh

Griffith Pugh, the physiologist whose research and breakground findings made possible the first ascent of Everest in 1953 and helped 10 more 8 000 m peaks to be climbed in the following six years. His findings covered many fields, the most important of which were: hygiene, acclimatisation, fluid intake to avoid dehydratation, freeze-dried high altitude rations, new windproof fabric for jackets and tents including double walls, new Primus stoves three times more efficient, double high altitude boots, large enough sleeping bags, inside down vest, sleeping bags and suits soft linings, and of course for the first time the right oxygen flow rates used while ascending and its usage to help sleep at high altitude.
on Jun 15, 2014 7:41 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 900678


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