Grillmair Chimney's

Grillmair Chimney's

8th Pitch- 50m- 5.6/ The crux pitch of the climb and probably the most enjoyable for the grade on Yamnuska. The move directly below the chock stones looks very intimidating, but once you discover a small foot ledge on the left wall, the crux move over the chock stones will seem less ominous. You can protect the move with a #4 Camelot stuck below the chock stones. Heave yourself up and into the next level of the chimney. Walk into the chimney to the far end and climb easy rock up to a small squirt hole (remove your pack). You can protect here with a #3 or #2 Camelot. Squeeze through the hole and out onto the north side of Yamnuska. Set up a station above the hole and bring up the 2nd. Grillmair Chimney's, 5.6, 8 Pitches, Left Variation, Yamnuska, Alberta, August, 2007
Dow Williams
on Aug 13, 2007 3:03 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 323189


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