High mountains towering over the village of Baceno

High mountains towering over the village of Baceno

On my way up into the scenic Val Formazza, I stopped at the small mountain village of Baceno (640m). At first I didn't realize it, but I was looking right at the mountains I had climbed just a few days ago - but from the other side! This is the Cistella-Diei massif, seen from the east. The dark peak that appears to be the highest point is Corno Cistella (2688m). It's not the highest though. Just to its right, seemingly quite close but actually 1 km further away, is the second highest peak of the massif, Monte Cistella (2880m). It's a lighter shade, but as I saw up close not much ealier, that's because there is still a lot of snow up high. But the true high point, if only by a small margin, is Pizzo Diei (2906m). Separated from Monte Cistella by the relatively flat expanse of the Piano di Cistella Alto, it's another kilometer or so further back and a bit more to the right, but not visible from Baceno. 25 June 2013.
on Jan 23, 2014 1:48 pm
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 884455


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