Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9

Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9

8th Pitch- 140’- 5.7/ Scramble up 50’ left to the base of a mossy corner. Climb the corner and then move to the base of yet a 2nd mossy corner. Climb this corner into the tunnel formed by the huge split summit ridge boulder. Climb your way through the red maze and belay on top. The rope drag will be a little stiff. You are not on the actual Magic Mountain summit yet, but close (just to the east). Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9, 8 Pitches, Magic Mountain, Red Rocks, May, 2008
Dow Williams
on May 19, 2008 12:13 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 404908


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