Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9

Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9

1st Pitch- 75’- 5.7/ My kiwi partner, who had never been to Red Rocks before, grew quite concerned as he watched me lead this pitch with several holds blowing out. The first pitch is comprised of bad rock. You know the drill, white-yellow in color….just consolidated sand really (what Handren calls “fragile rock”). But the climbing is easy on this first pitch. Just take your time, make sure of your balance and fight through the initial face stuff until you can protect in the chimney/crack. Continue up to a comfortable belay ledge below a much better varnished off-width crack. You can sling a large block for the belay. Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9, 8 Pitches, Magic Mountain, Red Rocks, May, 2008
Dow Williams
on May 19, 2008 12:16 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 404909


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