Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9

Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9

4th Pitch- 100’- 5.7/ This is the 2nd best pitch of the route and its namesake, a really funky deep chimney with tons of “varnished pot holes” to grab onto. This chimney also has several cracks running up it to place gear in. The options for climbing stance and holds are numerous. It is an easy, but vertical and fun pitch. You basically climb 100’ up this chimney and at the top have a decent block to sling for the belay. Honeycomb Chimney, 5.9, 8 Pitches, Magic Mountain, Red Rocks, May, 2008
Dow Williams
on May 19, 2008 12:25 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 404915


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