Hot Flash, III, 5.8

Hot Flash, III, 5.8

1st Pitch- 100’- 5.8/ An easy pitch for the grade in my opinion. Not that easy to protect, but the climbing was fast and furious anyway. Move right of the corner and start up a small flake and then work in cracks as you follow the corner back left, placing a large piece or two in the corner itself. The belay is located on top of the large flake (corner) with a small tree or two. Rappel tat is on a tree (2009) but it is a better position to set your belay up on a different tree with a long sling. Hot Flash, III, 5.8, 10 Pitches, Red Rocks, May, 2008
Dow Williams
on Jun 26, 2008 11:24 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 415702


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