Indepencia 21,000 ft. This is...

Indepencia 21,000 ft. This is...

Indepencia 21,000 ft. This is just above where the Polish traverse meets up with the normal route. Jonathan Stanley 1999.
William Marler
on May 2, 2001 7:56 am
Image ID: 618


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PurpleMountainNear - Aug 5, 2004 5:45 pm - Hasn't voted


Is this like one of the highest A-frames in the world?? Pretty amazing. I want to go on this trip so badly as soon as I get a chance.

William Marler

William Marler - Aug 7, 2004 3:56 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: H-frame

It is at about 22,000 feet. It's a bit of a wreck. but would do in an emergency. There is another at Berlin Camp at 19,000 feet. People (as well as the elements) have abused them so they aren't much help. Hope you get there. Cheers William

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