Kleinlitzner (2783m) from the sign to the approach trail of the Via Ferrata

Kleinlitzner (2783m) from the sign to the approach trail of the Via Ferrata

To get to the Via Ferrata from the nearby Saarbrücker Hütte, start out on the trail going west, towards the Seelücke pass. The turn-off to the Via Ferrata is after about 300m. The approach trail turns north, sidling up the mountain slopes for a few minutes before reaching the start of the Via Ferrata. It's grade B/C, which puts it well well beyond mere hiking, but with the proper gear most hikers that can handle a bit of exposure can still do it. The Via Ferrata follows the left wall of the gully, all the way up to the high saddle. The advantage of that is that climbers normally won't be hit by anything falling down the gully, be it spontaneously or dislodged by other climbers higher up. Nevertheless it's advisable to wear a helmet, just in case. From the high saddle, the route turns left, following the ridge to the summit, recognizable by the cross. 20 July 2013.
on Aug 31, 2013 3:35 pm
Image Type(s): Aid Climbing,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 864344


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