Kleinlitzner (2783m), towering over the Saarbrücker Hütte (2538m)

Kleinlitzner (2783m), towering over the Saarbrücker Hütte (2538m)

The refuge is perched in a very scenic spot on the east ridge of the Kleinlitzner. There is a very rough dirt road up the Kromertal valley to the Saarbrücker Hütte, which is used to get supplies to the hut. For hiking, the road is easy going, but it's also possible to avoid the road for the most part and follow small hiking trails, or even go cross country occasionally. From this point up, following the trail is shorter too, because it's markedly steeper than the winding road. It's a lot rougher too. 20 July 2013.
on Aug 30, 2013 8:20 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 864215


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