Lady Wilson's Cleavage, IV, 5.9

Lady Wilson's Cleavage, IV, 5.9

Coninue scrambling and angling rightward finding ramps and gullies that avoid the slab. You end up venturing quite right on a rightward ramp that eventually has you below a deep arch in the huge wall above. Descend adjacent to the wall to your left until below the route. The route became obvious at the saddle (photo). A distinct single crack/chimney that splits the upper north east face. In mid March, there was snow at the base of this northeast facing route. Lady Wilson's Cleavage, IV, 5.9, Mount Wilson, Red Rocks, March, 2008
Dow Williams
on Mar 17, 2008 9:11 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 388985


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