Lone Peak, Pete's Staircase and the Collins Highway.

Lone Peak, Pete's Staircase and the Collins Highway.

This photo represents another interesting route up to the summit of Lone Peak. To the right of the main summit the route up Pete's Staircase is seen, a bunch of granite ledges, and then the 45 degree ramp called the Collins Highway are seen going up the north side of Question Mark Wall. I ascended this route October 6, 2012 to try something other than the north ridge. Pete's Staircase has been classified at YSD 5.4, though it seemed to be more of an exposed scramble. Collin's Highway is class 3 and 4 depending on where you are at on that portion.
Wasatch Summits
on Sep 21, 2013 11:16 pm
Image ID: 868731


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