Mount Rundle Traverse, III, 5.5

Mount Rundle Traverse, III, 5.5

Do a short down climb on descent of the main peak but traversing left a bit where I found rappel tat in 2009. Down climb decent rock in the mid 5th class range or take a short rappel. Continue on some hands on scrambling to complete the descent of Peak VII. Take Peak VIII on the left, which is sort of a maze, but eventually tops out on the summit next to a very large detached tower to the north. Mount Rundle Traverse, III, 5.5, Mount Rundle, Banff National Park, July, 2009 (solo ascent, 13hrs)
Dow Williams
on Jul 22, 2009 1:07 pm
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 532405


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