Mustagh Ata Food

Mustagh Ata Food

Picking out food in a Kashgar Market. After landing in Kashgar, Aron and I wanted to quickly pick up some fruit, nuts, and cheese for the climb. What our driver brought us to blew our mind: a mega-Walmart underground shopping district that extended, literally, for several city blocks. After wandering aimlessly around the "supermarket" we found everything we wanted except for cheese. Although we lacked the communication skills necessary to ask where the cheese was, we were able to successfully mime out milking a cow, passing the milk through a cheesecloth, and waiting while the magic of time turned rotten milk into delicious cheese. Still, nothing; no one could help us find cheese. We eventually pulled up a photo of a cheese block on Aron's phone. Still, no cheese. After driving around, walking through labyrinthine stores, and searching for cheese for 3 hours, we eventually turned to our sullen driver only to have him say (in English): "THE CHINESE DO NOT EAT CHEESE". We all busted up laughing at the incident, which left the Americans wondering why he hadn't told us that 3 hours prior to our search. Oh well, it's China after all.
on Oct 15, 2013 3:20 pm
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 872109


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