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wyopeakMike - Jun 28, 2016 3:30 pm - Voted 10/10


Thank you for updating the NW couloirs page with the great photos. I have always enjoyed this route and it is definitely some tricky routefinding which is so typical in the Tetons. I once cleaned the rappel anchor of a couple of pounds of old bleached webbing only leaving the newer safer looking stuff. I was not carrying a rope and I was only checking out the rappel. Downclimbing the route takes some really accurate routefinding to stay safe. I once knocked a small rock off just below the summit and it was crazy how it just flew off into space and probably ended up halfway down into Garnet Canyon. What an awesome small summit it is !


PanamaRed - Jul 1, 2016 2:01 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Thanks

Im glad you like the page! Nez Perce is one of my favorite peaks in the Teton Range. The view from the summit is amazing, and the angle with which you can seen the Grand is very unique. It is crazy how steep Nez is! I accidentally knocked a few rocks as well and was very glad no one was climbing the route beneath me.

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