Golden Ears Additions and Corrections

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christineday - Aug 10, 2005 3:18 pm - Hasn't voted

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Water availability: we saw a lot of people hiking this trail in the heat of summer with little or no water. There is water from a glacier stream at the mountain shelter (11 km from the parking lot) but it's 5 hours + to get there so you should definitely bring water with you.

Bugs: blackflies are a serious annoyance on the trail. A good insect repellant with DEET is a must, and bring it with you: you'll need to re-apply every 2 hours or so.

Daylight: we hiked on July 31 and by 5 p.m. it was like twilight in the heavily-wooded sections of the trail. If you are doing this as a day hike, make sure you're at the park gate when it opens (at 7 a.m.) so that you can be on trail by 7:15 a.m. and will have enough time to get back before dark. The last 3 km (1 hour) of the return trail are easy and could be negotiated with a flashlight so you might want to bring one along, just in case you get caught out late.

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