Old Snowy Mountain Climber's Log

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M and N Denyer

M and N Denyer - Nov 2, 2006 8:48 pm Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2006

Nice backpacking trip  Sucess!

We have been meaning to do some backpacking in this area for years and finally made it. After checking with the local ranger station, we decided to carry crampons in. NOT NECESSARY AT ALL! Plenty of water in the upper meadows this time of year. Enjoyed a nice chat on the summit with some guys from Seattle and also two Forest Service Rangers.


osatrik - Sep 6, 2006 5:27 am Date Climbed: Sep 4, 1999

OSAT 1999  Sucess!

Camped at Snowgrass, climbed Ives that afternoon, then Old Snowy (via PCT) the next. Bushwhacked down to Goat Lake trail for the hike out. Kathy O'T, Dorthea, Nancy T, Sean G, and Rik

dicey - Sep 4, 2005 1:45 pm

Route Climbed: old snowy Date Climbed: June 2002  Sucess!

Lots of snow!

cusmx5 - Jul 19, 2005 7:42 pm

Route Climbed: Crest Trail to Old Snowy Date Climbed: September 26, 2005  Sucess!

Reunion climb for Boealps Black Team '99. Came in from Snowgrass Flats to the PCT. Beautiful area and fun climb to the summit. Only did Old Snowy.

LTissell - May 18, 2005 7:46 pm

Route Climbed: Snowgrass Flats Date Climbed: September 5, 2004  Sucess!

4th Summit of Old Snowy!

The first time was a white out - had no idea what I was missing.

The second time, my sweetie proposed and revealed the WHOLE bottle of champagne he'd smuggled in his pack.

We'll be back again this year. Love blooms even more in the mountains!

Isometric - Mar 18, 2005 1:57 pm

Route Climbed: PCT Date Climbed: August 29, 2004  Sucess!

Cool site! Old Snowy was my first summit, and I was lucky to get it. It was to be one of several stops in the area over the course of 4 or 5 days, but the weather only allowed us one day, and that was the day we hit Old Snowy. I was surprised to see such a defined path on the way up - thought it was very cool how the rocks all had that wind-etched look to them. The exposed ridge near the top was pretty windy, but the following scramble was thankfully out of said wind. Oddly enough, didn't see a summit register on the top, or much of the surrounding scenery, but seeing the roiling fog was beautiful in it's own way. Needless to say, we had the mountain to ourselves that day. We got rained out the next morning, so I can't wait to get back up into that country and do more exploring.


cluck - Aug 30, 2004 4:04 pm

Route Climbed: Old Snowy - Ives Traverse Date Climbed: August 14, 2004  Sucess!

The walk up to the top of Old Snowy had very nice views, but was otherwise unremarkable. The other dayhikers on the summit watched in horror as my friends and I nonchalantly hopped off the summit and down the north ridge toward Ives Peak. Apparently they didn't quite get the concept of exploring the wilderness without signs and marked trails.

The ridgeline traverse to Ives was great fun. Lots of cool rock formations to look at and the enjoyment of finally being away from the masses. The highlight was a 200 yard section where we hiked through a moat between a snowfield and a cliff. In a couple places we had to chop steps in the snow to stem between the snow and the rock. We were all grinning from ear-to-ear for the several minutes it took to navigate the moat.

Ives Peak was also enjoyable scrambling on loose rock. From Ives we marched straight down to rejoin the PCT. If you're going to put the effort into getting up Old Snowy, I'd highly reccommend traversing the ridgeline over to Ives.


skook - Apr 12, 2004 9:43 pm

Route Climbed: PCT Date Climbed: August 1989  Sucess!

Easy scramble. Make sure to blow the bubbles. My first ever summit.


wildstar - Jan 3, 2004 6:16 pm

Route Climbed: Old Snowy-Ives Col Date Climbed: June 1995  Sucess!

Tried to get a college roommate into climbing and it failed. Good trip though.


darinchadwick - Aug 26, 2003 9:59 am

Route Climbed: From the PCT from White Pass Date Climbed: August 2003  Sucess!

How can all three of you be so incredibly stupid?!? I screamed horsely to my cousin, my best friend, and my wife, as they all tried to convice me that the wide, well maintained trail leading up Old Snowy was NOT the PCT. My insistence almost had them conviced that it was, but alas, I alone was correct and was so sure, that I left them behind to burro my pack up so I wouldn't have to double back later.

The three of them waited patiently on the summit while I muled along, not stopping until I almost reached the shoulder, for I wanted to be certain....

Alas, the only thing worse than being the only one right, is to find out you were wrong after making an ass of yourself.

Hee Haw.


jtschanz - Aug 11, 2003 2:44 pm

Route Climbed: North Ridge Date Climbed: August 10, 2003  Sucess!

After climbing Curtis-Gilbert the previous day, Haydar and I were exploring the PCT and decided to climb Old Snowy. Unlike the previous day, we were not alone - there was a steady stream of backpackers and hikers all the way up the mountain. We were surprised to see such a well-defined and well-marked climbers trail all the way to the summit. Although the climb was easy, the view from the top was dramatic - looking down on Goat Lake, the Tieton river drainage, and across to Mt. Adams and Mt. Ranier (in the clouds). This was a fun little side trip from the meadows along the PCT.


jhalz - Jan 23, 2003 9:39 am

Route Climbed: Snowgrass Flats Date Climbed: September 2002  Sucess!

Nice hike to Snowgrass Flat, very mellow. Found a great spot in the trees with a great view, just before the tree line. Had a great time watching the fog roll over Goat Ridge from our tent.

Day 2: Followed the PCT from Snowgrass Flats to the saddle. From there took a well-defined trail to the summit of Old Snowy. Our original plan was to hit all three peaks, but we could see less than desirable weather moving in. We decided to pack out that evening.


Honkeydong - Mar 10, 2002 8:02 pm

Route Climbed: Old snowy-Ives col Date Climbed: August 2001  Sucess!

I tried to get my ex-girlfriend into alpine scrambling so she might accompany me on some bolder adventures, but --she would have none of it. I callously left her at the Pacific Crest Trail, while I climbed both peaks in an afternoon of sheer delight. We had camped the night before at Chambers Lake, and the following day made for an incredibly long day for me, as I was eventually relegated to lugging both daypacks when she tired from the elevation gain and sweltering heat. Needless to say, she will not go for forays beyond the campground with me anymore. My only regret is leaving the camera with her that day.

Bob Bolton

Bob Bolton - Feb 25, 2002 8:20 pm

Route Climbed: Old Snowy only, north ridge Date Climbed: July 1958  Sucess!

On my first extended backpacking trip at age 11 my dad took the family along the Pacific Crest Trail from White Pass to Snowgrass Flats and back. While we were at the high point of the trail, Dad and I decided to doff our packs and scramble to the summit of Old Snowy. It was not the first mountain I had ever climbed, but it was the highest and most adventuresome, and the experience probably had more to do with my desire to climb mountains than any other single event.

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