Ball Nutz


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Ball Nutz
Manufacturer Trango
Page By JScoles
Page Type Sep 12, 2003 / Sep 12, 2003
Object ID 812
Hits 2579
BallNutz™ are thin crack protection at its finest. Using a sliding ball/ramp concept, BallNutz™ will protect parallel sided cracks, flares, pin scars and bombays from 3mm to 16mm. The three smallest sizes have a 2:1 expansion range, resulting in unmatched security in chossy rock or expanding flakes. The #4 and #5 sizes will make you wonder why you ever used tiny cams. While these units are excellent for clean aid (they were even used for the first clean ascent of the Shield), they’re also terrific for protecting free climbs.

Because of the stiff cable, we recommend using a quick draw whenever BallNutz™ are used to protect free climbing.


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miztflip - Nov 27, 2004 11:52 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
Not a bad piece to have when climbing slabby rock with none tapered small cracks. These work well when stoppers won't grab.

They are easy to place, even in deep cracks.

Only down side is if you fall on one of these it bites so well that it will most likely be a fixed piece from then on.

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