Rock Rings


Rock Rings
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Rock Rings
Manufacturer Metolius
Page By Josh
Page Type Dec 15, 2001 / Jan 17, 2007
Object ID 85
Hits 15730
Similar to gymnasium rings, these hang free and rotate so they are easy on your shoulders. Featuring three hand slots, a finger pocket, and a full hand sloper. Rock Rings are useful for pull-up related exercises -- they allow complete rotation of the arms and shoulders. Includes training manual and workout book.



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Josh - Dec 17, 2001 11:41 am - Voted 3/5

Untitled Review
These rock rings are excellent for intermediate climbers looking to develop more finger strength without getting injured. Because the "rings" hang freely and rotate independently, you can work your fingers without putting a whole lot of awkward stress on your elbows and shoulders.

For more advanced climbers, these rock rings are less useful. The smallest holds really aren't that small. Workouts can become monotonous because of the lack of hold variety. I would recommend a good hangboard for those who are looking to build more than just basic finger strength.

The rings are really easy to set up. Unlike most hang boards, you don't have to mount them. Just hang them from a tree limb, a beam in your garage...whatever. I "installed" a little webbing on a tree branch in my former front yard. I would just clip the rock rings to the webbing with carabiners when it was time for a workout.

Martin Cash - Dec 18, 2003 3:50 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
For increasing pullup strength, including one handed lockoffs, this is an excellent product. If you are looking to increase finger strength, get another product. This one will not work at all. Then again, those finger boards can suck at pullup, and lockoff and twist excercises. What a bummer that you need 2 friggin hangboards.

I've developed another excercise with this set of rings, ice tool pullups. This is helpul when you can't hang directly from where the Rings are attached to. This excercise really works great for keeping that grip strength strong.

James_Dannelly - Dec 30, 2004 1:28 pm - Voted 3/5

Untitled Review
The rock gym I work at got a set of these in, they're allright for working strength and I like that they are free hanging, but all in all there are better products out there for the price.

junoiceclimber - Jan 13, 2008 3:13 am - Voted 5/5

Carport Climbing Necessities
I'd like to agree with Josh (atop this page) and add, Alex Lowe said, "A good day always starts with 100 pull ups." Well, my gym is my carport and every workout is better with the addition of my Metolius Rock Rings. I bought the Rock Rings, tossed up a couple of Metolius roof jugs above them, and now I am able to have a perfect crux move available anytime I want to push myself just a bit harder.

stepho - Aug 15, 2009 6:20 pm - Voted 3/5

there is better
they work but a hangboard is more effective. i could make my own one of these for a lot cheaper.

Brian C - Dec 15, 2010 11:07 pm - Voted 5/5

Like them
I like to use these after a jog. They hang in my garage and they work well there. Not the tiniest holds but that's what I wanted.

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