Palmyra Peak

Palmyra Peak

Palmyra Peak from the 4th (or 3rd?) Alta Lake, east of the Lizard Head Wilderness across 145 and just north of Ophir. Sep 27, 2006. Fuji Velvia. We camped at this lake for one night. The views were outstanding although I wish the trees were a bit thinner to the west so we could see Wilson Peak. A little commentary ---> The entire week we camped throughout the San Juans, La Sals and Uintas in UT, we picked up trash. And more trash. Trash was seemingly everywhere. The worst was right here at Alta Lake though. The campsite next to ours was unimaginably filled with garbage - there was so much, we could not pack it all out. The contents were - one brand new cardboard tent box, one more brand new cardboard tent box, one brand new camp stove box, one brand new air mattress box (Coleman, of course), one brand new cardboard sleeping bag box, another brand new cardboard sleeping bag box, one 12-pack Coke box with five unopened cans still inside, one unopened bag of marshmellows and various other smaller items. I mean, who in the hell buys all this new stuff, travels up to a beautiful camping area and then leaves all this crap behind??? Very, very sad. Okay, I am off my soapbox now... :)
on Oct 11, 2006 2:43 am
Image Type(s): Scenery
Image ID: 234001


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Aaron Johnson

Aaron Johnson - Oct 11, 2006 11:44 pm - Hasn't voted



Alta Lakes is a popular camping and 4WD destination with tourists, four wheelers and casual campers. It is not in a wilderness and since the road is easily driven, people go there in droves. Hence, trash. And it is very sad indeed that in this day and age people continue to be ignorant of the age-old litter problem. I recall the TV ads back in the 70s with the Native American finding trash throughout America, and at the end of the ad, he cries. Ever since then, I've picked up after myself. You're very noble to pick up after the many littering goons that have gone before you.

Thankfully, we have wilderness. Although the popular areas in the popular wilderness spots tend to get trashed, most places in a given wilderness remain pristine because there are no roads and no easy access, hence little or no people.

Places like Alta Lakes, as beautiful as they are, are sacrificed for the sake of our wilderness areas. The rugged Lizard Head wilderness, just across the highway, is a good example. Thankfully, for the comparitively few that visit them, there's plenty of pristine wilderness areas to go around, and there's lots of virtually untouched places in Colorado that will never see trash, and very few if any people. Thank God for that small miracle, and some folks with the foresight to see a need to protect the really special places.

Nice pics! Thanks for sharing.


46and2 - Oct 12, 2006 12:07 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Trash

Thanks Aaron. I see what you mean about the concept of wilderness; the further we got from the crowds, there was less trash (not like the above story), but there was still more than I'd like to tolerate.

btw - I remember that tv ad too although I think I was just older than a toddler at the time.

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