Pointe de Vouasson (3490m) from the ESE

Pointe de Vouasson (3490m) from the ESE

This is the view of Pointe de Vouasson (3490m) from around 3300 m, from the high col NE of Pointe de Darbonneire. When coming up from the east, this is the first time you can actually see the mountain. And by now you've already ascended 1500 m or so! The true summit is the unimpressive peak just right of center. It's still a little more than one kilometer away. The seemingly higher mass left of center is a foresummit. It appears so much bigger because it's much closer, and at 3453 m it is almost as high as the true one. It would be easy to go over it, but, as the many ski tracks clearly show, the normal route goes straight to the main summit, crossing the easy upper slopes of the Glacier de Vouasson. 10 March 2014.
on May 5, 2014 7:32 am
Image Type(s): Skiing,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 896329


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