Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 32.10415°N / 108.97163°W
Additional Information GPX File: Download GPX » View Route on Map
Activities Activities: Hiking
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Elevation: 5079 ft / 1548 m
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This is a fairly simple one mile roundtrip hike up to the summit of Preacher Mountain. The mountain is covered in large boulders and cactus making it a bit challenging but honestly it ain't much.

Getting There

From Roadforks, New Mexico (Interstate 10), drive south on Highway 80 for approximately 10 miles. Look for a large pull out along the highway on uour right. At the south end of that large pull out is a gated, sandy BLM road to your right (west). Follow this sandy road for about one quarter mile and park at the road intersection. Beyond that intersection, the road gets fairly rocky although I would imagine it'd be fine in a four wheel drive vehicle..


I hiked to the summit with my dogs. There's no trails to the summit so bushwacking it is the only way. We hiked up from the south side of the mountain but I'd imagine that you climb it from any side. We surprisingly found a summit log hidden amongst a plie rocks on the summit.

Red Tape

There's no Red Tape to hike or camp here. This is located within BLM land.

When to Climb

I suspect that you can climb this one anytime of the year.


There's some great dispersed camping spots in this area. We stayed a few nights and loved it here. As you drive along the south side of the mountain you'll come to an intersection, and at that point turn left and maybe after 500 feet or so is a dynamite campsite (as shown in the photograph). And beyond that are several more campsites.

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