Private Idaho, 5.9

Private Idaho, 5.9

  • Private Idaho- 5.9/
  • Private Idaho is definitely worth doing, but not near the challenge as other classic 5.8 and 5.9’s in the park (Funky Bolts; Chimney, Batwings; Rye Crisp) in my opinion. However, its neighbor, Colossus (5.10c), more than makes up for it. Therefore I recommend it as a warm up to Colossus at a minimum. I noticed, when climbing Colossus, folks struggled a bit with a slight bulge in the middle of the pitch, which involves a fairly straight forward hand jam. So if not use to crack climbing, perhaps this is the crux. The Falcon guidebook discusses descending via walking off, but there are actually rap anchors (2012) for all the routes at this end. Standard rack. Dow
    Dow Williams
    on Jun 11, 2012 9:26 am
    Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
    Image ID: 794672


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