Raven Peak Comments

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surgent - Dec 7, 2011 6:50 pm - Hasn't voted

Collect these peaks into a range page

By themselves, the pages are too scant. They got removed once already and possibly will be again. There is simply too little information on each peak by itself, but together, you have the makings of a very high-quality range page.


diam3001 - Dec 8, 2011 6:00 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Collect these peaks into a range page

Hi. It is true but described peaks are located around valley not visited before. They don't have history or interesting route (like Alps or Tatras). I would like to mention that this interesting place exist in Tian Shan (not only Chan Tengri or Peak Pobieda). I describe only discovery of interesting peaks, by expedition in 2010. I ope that peaople will develop it (if they will go to KokshaalToo). I hope that I wil come there in next year too.


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