Redoubt from Spickard

Redoubt from Spickard

Mt Redoubt from Mt Spickard, July 10, 2007. The standard route climbs the rock outcrops in the lower center (easy scramble with cairns) ascends the snowfield on the left to the col at 7800', then traverses around to the south slope, ascends steeper snow to the summit tower. The summit scramble follows a gully system entered via some sketchy 4th - low 5th class on poor rock. We would have protected the first pitch if we had brought any pro (oops). The gully is very loose, rockfall is pretty much unavoidable, you don't want to be the second party through this section. We used existing staions to rap most of the descent.
Lone Geezer
on Jul 23, 2007 10:20 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 315146


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