rfbolton heads up towards...

rfbolton heads up towards...

rfbolton heads up towards the collapsed remains of the old Mt. Eddy lookout. Mt. Shasta is just out of this pic to the left and Lassen Peak is blocked by the lookout. We had just climbed Mt. Shasta the day before and would climb up Lassen Peak on July 5th.
on Aug 10, 2004 5:22 pm
Image ID: 64198


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rpc - Aug 12, 2004 2:10 pm - Voted 10/10



just read your TR on Whitney. What happened? Sorry to hear about your finger injury! We wish you a speedy recovery and an equally speedy return to climbing!!



Dean - Aug 12, 2004 3:56 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: injury?

I was traversing over to the area just below Iceberg Lake when I lifted my right trekking pole to plant it and both feet when out from under me on a granite slab that was covered in little sandy particles (acted like ballbearings) and I landed on my right hand which didn't fare too well. I knew immediately that something had broken or was badly sprained so instead of continuing upward, I made the hard (for me) decision to go down. The worse part of the whole thing is that it cost me being able to do Mt, Jefferson with Brian J's group. Next year for both Jeff and 'Whitney.

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