Ringtail, 5.10d

Ringtail, 5.10d

4th-5th Pitches- 160’- 5.9/ I found it best to combine these last two pitches. I only placed one piece of gear before encountering the fixed belay at the top of pitch four. I extended it and then hit the beautiful varnished corner above. You can place gear at will in that corner, but it is not your typical 5.9 corner at Red Rock. It requires a combination of chimneying and stemming with intermittent fingers and hands up a flared corner/chimney. The start of the 4th pitch is a short and easy corner, than easy ground up to the base of the varnished corner. The belay/rap on top of the tower consists of slung blocks. Ringtail, 5.10d, 5 Pitches, Eagle Wall, Rainbow Mountain, Red Rock, NV, February, 2013
Dow Williams
on Feb 22, 2013 12:52 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 839763


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