The Gren Anderson Shelter was...

The Gren Anderson Shelter was...

The Gren Anderson Shelter was built by the New York section of the Green Mountain Club. Gren Anderson was active GMC member from the New Jersey Area. It is maintained by the New York/New Jersey Trail Conference. It is 650 ft of the A.T. on a blue blazed trail. It sleps 8 and no fires are allowed. Water is avaiable 200 ft to the left of the shelter and the privy is behind it. Two bear boxes are in front of the shelter, please use them. The next shelter north is Mashiacong Shelter (5.8 miles) and the next shelter south is Brink Road Shelter (6.7 miles south)
©: R. Alexander 1/5/2006
Rob A
on Jan 5, 2006 7:00 pm
Image ID: 144035


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