The Pitch That Turned The Day

The Pitch That Turned The Day

About 1.5 rope lengths from the headwall, we came upon this major challenge that would prove to be our undoing. 9/24/2011 Lesson 1: stay on the sunny side of the arete. Anything in the shade is guaranteed to accrue snow and ice, especially in September. Lesson 2: follow your gut. I felt I should go straight up and over a lip but was convinced to go right, into the shady sections setting me up for this gnarly mixed pitch that I tackled in rock shoes, an ice tool, and terribly sparse pro. Lesson 3: secure your boots to your harness with a locking carabiner — they'll find a way to get loose.
Garon Coriz
on Oct 10, 2011 12:48 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 752817


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