Triglav rocks structure

Triglav rocks structure

This image is a part of the old Basic Geological Map of Slovenia, illustrating the lithology of Triglav massif. We see that most of the huge north wall of Triglav is made of Dachstein limestone, a more than 1500 m thick layer of young Triassic sediments (norian and rhaetian era). However, the dome of Triglav and the rocks of its sothern side are a bit older by origin (a few million years). Those massive, also layered limestones belong to the so-called "Slatenska plošča" ("Slatna Plate"), which is thrusted over the younger rocks. It stretches also towards the south, and its swirling geography illustrates immense natural forces, responsible for its thrusting. The white patches on the image are simply slope screes and north of Triglav's summit the rests of a glacier. Finally, the red lines are faults, hypothetical faults and thrust zones.
Vid Pogachnik
on Sep 21, 2015 2:50 pm
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 954139


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