Pigeon-Snowpatch Col

Pigeon-Snowpatch Col

You can descend the Snowpatch-Bugaboo col or (my druthers always) descend the Pigeon-Snowpatch col. Travel up glacier circumventing Snowpatch to the south until you can gain some ledges that lead to the top of a steep rap section just east of the massive ice fall filling the col. It is best to take the first two rappels as 30 meter ones to avoid rock fall on others or yourself from above. Then two 60 meter raps takes you to the moat on the southwest corner of Snowpatch Spire. There are six-30m double ring rap stations down this steep corner (2007). Snowpatch Spire, Buckingham, IV, 5.10, Bugaboo Provincial Park, BC, August, 2007
Dow Williams
on Aug 21, 2007 5:04 pm
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 327030


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