<font color=green><b>NONA's BECCA</FONT> <FONT COLOR=BLUE>After Martelli and Amilcare, third WINTER ASCENT</B></FONT>

NONA's BECCA After Martelli and Amilcare, third WINTER ASCENT

NONA's BECCA (3142m) After: Alessandro Emilio Martelli, Silvio Miglietti, and Valtournanche's mountain's guide Jean Baptiste Aymonod, on December 20th, 1889; by S-SE Crest; Amilcare Crétier, F. David, Albert Deffeyes, G. Lamastra, Guido Perolino, Basile Ollietti and Valtournanche's mountain's guide Louis Pession, on March 19th, 1928; by S-SE Crest; Osvaldo Cardellina and Camillo Roberto Ferronato, on December 23th, 1977; by and First winter of S-SW Slope. DECEMBER 23th, 1977 Action'photo by Camillo Roberto FERRONATO
on Sep 18, 2010 4:54 am
Image ID: 662996


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