West Approach

West Approach

December 12th of 04 a couple friends and I tried Indecision Peak coming from the west side. We had hoped that this approach would be easier then climbing the east face. To make a long story short. My two friends made it. I ended up stopping short by just .18 mile when faced with about a 80 foot cliff I would have had to climb down and then back up. I was spent at that point and called it a day. Anyway I thought I'd include these GPS tracks in case anyone else would care to try this route. I've included the coordinates for the turn off from the paved Lovell Canyon Road as well as the coordinates from where we finally parked. You'll need a 4x4 to get back on that dirt road. The GPS tracks show this route to be just slightly over 6 miles round trip. I couldn't tell you if this route is any easier then the others as I haven't done them. I can tell you it's still a lot of up hill.
LV Hiker
on Sep 7, 2007 5:05 am
Image Type(s): Hiking
Image ID: 334085


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