<i>Deep Silent Complete</i>

Deep Silent Complete

"In your creation, heaven did decree; That in your arms sweet death should dwell. Deep Silent Complete, Black velvet sea. The sirens are calling for me ..." Lucky to get a hole in the clouds, long enough to view an illuminated Morning Glory Spire and Cibola Mitten -- the sublime chasm behind is Mormon Canyon, which runs along the the western escarpment of snow-covered Wilson Mountain (7,122') and Lost Wilson (6,762'). This is the same storm that deposited at least 300" of new snow in California's Sierra Nevada this past week. January 25, 2017
on Jan 25, 2017 11:09 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 992732


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Vid Pogachnik

Vid Pogachnik - Jan 26, 2017 2:46 pm - Voted 10/10


You must be spending a lot of time out there to wait for all these great scenes, Larry!

And you could publish a multimedia with images, music in lyrics you always put together so fine. Or, have you perhaps already done that?



lcarreau - Jan 26, 2017 7:47 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Amazing!

Well, I'm just the messenger enjoying Nature ... I feel very insignificant (humble) when I come upon scenes like this.

In fact, it brings me to tears.

My cultural "connection" is my family's relations from the former country of Czechoslovakia, so I'm
thankful my ancestors crossed the ocean to
become citizens of America.

But, I strive to someday visit eastern Europe
just to examine more my roots because Hollywood (Holly-weird) very seldom gets it RIGHT. Thanks, cheers and take care !!

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