Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia)

Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia)

Page Type Page Type: Album
Additional Information Image Type(s): Flora

Thats One Big Lily

This album is dedicated to the Joshua tree; the plant, not the climbing area.

Joshua trees look as if they come from another planet. They are bizarre, yet beautiful and are loved by any who look upon them. Many people don't realize that they are a member of the lily family and the genus Yucca, which is a group of spectacular flowering plants primarily from the western and central U.S., though some species extend to Canada and the eastern U.S. as well. Most species are large robust forbs and shrubs, but this species can be considered a small tree. Blooming in early spring, the thick, fleshy flowers form dense heads that provide a sweet smell. The leaves have a firm, horridly sharp point that can put a serious hole in you.

Joshua trees are a signature part of the Mohave Desert and surrounding arid areas of southern California and adjacent Nevada and Arizona. Its range also extends into extreme southwest Utah, but it is relatively rare there.

There are really some beautiful photos of these interesting plants on SP, please add some of yours.


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