American Fork Twin Peaks Climber's Log

Viewing: 21-40 of 101
Garon Coriz

Garon Coriz - Jun 24, 2013 10:53 am Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2013

A Lazy Day-Hike  Sucess!

Up the Gad Valley Trail for 3 hours with an excursion on the steep snow slopes to gain the service road right below the tram. Had to scramble up the sketchy slope to the ridge and go from there. TH-to-summit was about 3.5 hours. The west twin to Hidden Peak took about 30 minutes.


seano - May 4, 2013 7:37 pm Date Climbed: May 4, 2013

Bullion Divide traverse  Sucess!

On Bullion Divide traverse. Trip report.


bulletbikeguy - Mar 16, 2013 4:20 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2010

Twin Peaks via Ferguson Canyon  Sucess!

I completed this with a small group after attempting solo and running out of daylight a month earlier. The Ferguson route, which I don't see listed, is pretty gnarly. It took our group an entire day, sun up to sun down, but it's highly rewarding due to starting in the Salt Lake Valley and ending in Broadfork after ascending and traversing multiple peeks. If you attempt this you want to get started well before sunrise or risk getting stuck in the dark descending a scree field.

andrew david

andrew david - Feb 16, 2013 3:54 pm Date Climbed: Nov 5, 2011

In a Snowstorm  Sucess!

Went via the tram to Hidden Peak and in shorts, which was a bad idea. A storm moved in and it was a cold time. Hidden Peak lived up to its name and our visibility was almost nill. But the knife edge ridge is a decently enjoyable climb and I got fantastic storm pictures. You can go for free one weekend each year via tram with the Snowbird canned food drive, or go during Octover Fest and finish with a beer after.


jamesmc2 - Oct 12, 2012 10:41 am Date Climbed: Sep 22, 2012

Bullion Divide

Made the summit as part of the Bullion Divide (Baldy to Red Baldy) 5 peaks in less than six hours from trailhead to trailhead.


Apexrock - Oct 8, 2012 12:17 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 1991

From Cecret Lake  Sucess!

Started at Cecret Lake and headed up between the Saddle of Sugarloaf and Baldy. Went over Baldy and Hidden Peak onto the Eastern ridge. Fun hike!

Joseph Bullough

Joseph Bullough - Sep 16, 2012 6:39 pm

Various ascents  Sucess!

Climbed 8 times:

  • via Ridge and Hidden Peak - 10/24/15
  • via Bullion Divide - 7/19/08
  • via Albion Basin - 8/5/06
  • via Cleavage Couloir - 10/21/05
  • via East Ridge - 9/16/12, 6/12/04, 8/9/03, 8/17/02

  • utahjimk

    utahjimk - Aug 19, 2012 1:52 pm Date Climbed: Aug 18, 2012

    Bullion Divide  Sucess!

    with WMC group as part of B Divide


    scgrant - Aug 18, 2012 11:47 pm Date Climbed: Oct 2, 2013

    AF Twins  Sucess!

    10/2/2013 Part of a ridge run from Devil's Castle to AF Twins. Out and back hike returning to the saddle of Baldy and Sugarloaf and back to the Albion Basin TH.
    8/18/2012 With WMC as part of the Bullion Divide.


    Brita - Jul 8, 2012 9:43 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2012

    Twin Peaks  Sucess!

    We started at snowbird and hiked up through Gad valley. I loved all the wild flowers and the rocks on Red Top were so cool. I was relieved to find that going between the two peaks was so easy since I was a little worn out by the time we go there. We came down the other side towards the tram. Rather than going along the ridge line though we slid down to the road and ran back up that to the tram.


    runbyu1 - Jul 6, 2012 5:58 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2012

    Summit Register?  Sucess!

    Came up via Gad Valley so we could get Red Top along the way. I was very surprised that I could not find a climbers log anywhere considering what a well-known peak this is. I was also surprised that we didn't see a soul from Red Top to Hidden Peak despite it being the July 4th holiday in the middle of the day with perfect weather (high 70's and sunny). I did a speed push from the East Twin to the South in 5 minutes, took a breather and ran back in 5:30...pretty much hit a wall on the way back ha ha. We then descended down the Northeast Ridge route down crazy steep crap to the mineral basin use road and back up to Hidden Peak before calling it a day. Good stuff.


    ZeeJay - May 11, 2012 5:11 pm Date Climbed: May 14, 2012

    A bunch  Sucess!

    21 times. I like it best from White Pine in spring with a nice refreeze.

    5/14/2012, 5/7/2012, 5/16/2011, 1/11/2011, 3/17/2009, 7/4/2008, 11/25/2007, 11/19/2007, 11/15/2007, 11/5/2007, 4/3/2007, 3/23/2007, 4/17/2004, 9/27/2003, 10/6/2001, 6/30/2001, 8/13/2000, 5/20/2000, 8/16/1998, 7/25/1998, late 80's or early 90's


    PrinceOfNorway - Oct 21, 2011 6:22 pm Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2011

    You walked up here?  Sucess!

    I walked up the resort to where the tram goes to at about 10,000 feet and some guy asked if I walked up there...of course I did! And then I pointed to where I was going. I loved the traverse over the knife edge ridge. Thanks Twins!


    derekthered - Aug 27, 2011 1:46 am Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2011

    Bullion Divide  Sucess!

    Nothing to it. Continued on down to Snowbird.

    clbradford - Aug 21, 2011 2:20 pm Date Climbed: Aug 6, 2011

    Completed  Sucess!

    Via Gad Valley

    Wisemtn - Aug 13, 2011 10:37 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2011

    Bullion Divide 6  Sucess!

    Beautiful twin peaks. 4th along the route. Some fun scrambling.

    #2 - 8/13/17 Bullion Divide


    wadehbrown - Aug 3, 2011 3:57 pm Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2011

    Northeast Ridge Route  Sucess!

    Got off work early and met my friend at Snowbird where he had just finished a conference. We rode the tram to the top of Hidden Peak because it was already after 3pm. Weather was great so we went for the summits of the American Fork Twin Peaks via the Northeast ridge route. This route follows a knife edge ridge then up some steep, but easily manageable rock scrambling and finally up a scree field to the East (lower) summit. From there, it is a simple 10 minute walk across the broad ridge to the higher West summit. This is the highest point in Salt Lake County. It took us an hour and forty minutes to get up. We hung out for a bit then started back. We cut off the route just before the knife edge portion and dropped down into Gad Valley where we crossed some snow fields and descended the rest of the way down the resort. The scenery was amazing. Lots of snow (in AUGUST), very green, meadows and rivers everywhere. Saw lots of deer and three moose. Took us 2:14 to descend all the way back to the Cliff Lodge. Great trip, great weather, great scenery....

    awilk7 - Aug 1, 2011 6:40 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2010

    Gad Valley to the Top  Sucess!

    Hiked up Gad Valley Route, then up grassy slope to ridge, Red Top, and north to the summit. No one else was on the route while I was there, though a few parties were walking the ski resort roads in Gad Valley. Pretty straight forward summer scramble, little exposure.


    voxnihili - Jul 5, 2011 12:42 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2010

    Ridge Traverse  Sucess!

    Both AF Twins, Hidden, Baldy, then off to Alta.


    yadahzoemtn - Jun 20, 2011 9:45 pm Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2006

    Part of Bullion Divide  Sucess!

    07/13/06 Part of Bullion Divide with Kim and Jan
    07/21/17: Red Baldy, Haystack, AF Twins and Hidden Peak
    08/12/17: Up the spine and back down the spine
    06/22/18: Ridge Run: Red Baldy to Hidden Peak
    05/26/20: Mountaineering with Michael and Carol. Started in Gad Valley Entry 1. Up the east face of East Twin over to the West Twin, over to Haystack and down the White Pine Ridge
    07/06/20: Peruvian Ridge to Hidden, AF Twins and Baldy
    07/15/20: Peruvian Ridge to Hidden, AF Twins and Baldy
    07/05/21: Red Baldy, Haystack, AF Twins and Hidden
    09/03/21: From Silver Lake Flat, Brent and MIchael

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